Wednesday, May 3, 2017

iPhone In Trouble As Users Face New Attack: See What is Happening to It and What You Must Do.

Apple users should think twice before letting friends play with their iPhones. A new glitch has
been discovered which can temporarily ‘brick’ the phone.

Practical jokers can temporarily cause the mobile to completely shut down by simultaneously pressing a combination of three buttons.

But thankfully the bizarre bug only takes the phone offline for a short time. The strange shutdown can only be triggered by someone using the phone.

Previous bugs have allowed pranksters to maliciously crash phones remotely by sending text messages. This particular problem is accessed by opening the ‘control center’ menu.
Pressing any three buttons on the screen at the same time forces the screen to freeze.

The bug only lasts for a few minutes before the phone comes back to life. It can also be fixed by force resetting the phone.

Its not exactly clear what causes the crash, but it would appear that pressing multiple buttons at once in some way overloads the phone’s software.

It works on all versions of iOS 10, including the iOS 10.3.2 beta, which would suggest Apple has yet to find a fix.

Source: Dailymail


About Admin

Am an actress who loves what I do. I love making friends and sharing people's feelings, sentiments and events around me. Am down to earth with natural beaty.

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